A few weeks ago the Goldschmaus Group had a visit from Stephen Elmar (dpa). The topic of discussion was the community project “harmonisation of results” for the district of Cloppenburg, the Chamber of Agriculture for Lower Saxony, the University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, the pig farmers interest group for Germany and the Böseler Goldschmaus slaughterhouse.
You can find the current media coverage here:
http://www.nwzonline.de/wirtschaft/weser-ems/ einblick-in-das-leben-eines-masttiers_a_31,0,2352724599.html<br/> Slaughterhouses in Cloppenburg district central statistical data should support animal welfare – NWZ<br/> <br/> http://www.haz.de/Nachrichten/Der-Norden/Uebersicht/Massentierhaltung-TiHo-Wissenschaftler- werten-Schlachthof-Statistik-aus<br/> University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (TiHo) scientists evaluate slaughterhouse statistics – HAZ – Hannoversche Allgemeine newspaper<br/> <br/> http://www.welt.de/print/welt_kompakt/hamburg/article156971668/Statistik-fuer-gesuendere- Tiere.html<br/> Statistics for healthier animals – DIE WELT<br/> <br/> https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/osnabrueck_emsland/Mehr-Tierwohl- durch-neue-Schlachthofstatistik,schlachthoefe100.html<br/> Improved animal welfare demonstrated by new slaughterhouse statistics – NDR<br/> <br/> http://www.mt-news.de/index/garrel.php?aid=17222<br/> Butchers should verify fattening conditions - MTm organised with the German Association for the Prevention of Road Accidents and the police inspectorate of Cloppenburg-Vechta.